Want to Learn How To Sell Better?

Do you feel icky or uncomfortable just at a mere thought of selling something?
Do you also feel that many salespeople are sleazy in some way - they try too hard, or they are pushy and manipulative? And that is simply not you! So sales for you becomes super difficult ...
Hey guys, I'm Alex and I have been doing sales for 20 years. For the past 10 years I've been training sales people to sell in a natural way, without sounding sleazy.

So I get a lot of my students and friends asking me: Alex, I absolutely HATE the idea of selling. I was not born a natural sales person. And yet, how can I sell my products and services “without selling”?
I’m gonna tell you 2 simple strategies that you can do to start selling so effortlessly and naturally that your prospect will be the one asking you: when can we get started?
Give your prospect a
reason to like you.
Aka build some rapport!
So I like to explain this topic comparing sales to dating, right…

Because the truth is - trying to sell your products or services is just like trying to get someone to date you!

And speaking of dating, I am assuming that you have plenty of game - so tell me about some of your best moves? (please share in the comments your approach to dating that could be translated into sales).

First thing first is not to be desperate - no one would like to be with a desperate partner. Desperation is just no fun. So get some confidence under your belt - or just pretend to be confident. Either one will do.

Now let’s build some sort of connection with the person so that they can start trusting you. If your potential date doesn't trust you - I am pretty sure we can all agree that it is an issue. If you do a good job here, they’ll eventually lower the guard and be more receptive to what you have to say.

Imagine a situation when you meet someone for the first time and the first thing out of their mouth is: “Nice to meet you - want to get married?” HOLY CRAP THIS ONE IS A NUTTER - will you not want to run away from that situation as soon as possible?

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Forget about fancy techniques - honestly the best way to do this is just look for things that you have incommon with that person. Do you have hobbies in common, current events you can talk about etc. - real simple things you can learn about another person and find something similar in your life. IN other words ask them questions and be genuinely interested in them. Forget selling for now. Just get to know them, like you would a potential date. What do they value, what do they struggle with?
In a sales situation this become identical:
> If you do this (getting to know each other part) right and they start trusting you to actually reveal what really brings them to you (their true intention, or pain point), you’ll realize that asking them for that sale will come off a lot smoother and all you did is make a real connection with a stranger - no selling required.


So this tip alone is gonna change your mind about
selling and might just land you a close this week...

The art of selling without selling is very simple - IF YOU CAN SOLVE THEIR PROBLEM THEY WILL BUY FROM YOU! (I want to be clear that this problem might be described as a pain point of some sort - meaning they are struggling to find a solution at the right price to something they are struggling with.)

Before you can do that tho you really need to understand them - that is why the previous step is so important. If you don’t have a real connection to that person they will not tell you the truth. But if they open up to you, and you ask the right questions you will learn what they are really struggling with.

How do you do this?

The next time you have a client on a call, after you build some rapport, get them to trust you and open up to you, it’s time to start asking strategic questions. Find out everything you can about what they are struggling with.
The next time you have a client on a call, after you build some rapport, get them to trust you and open up to you, it’s time to start asking strategic questions. Find out everything you can about what they are struggling with.
Once they trust you enough and you provide them a solution to their pain, most of the time you won’t even need to ask for the sale... they’ll be the ones asking you: when can we get started?

So in summary - become their friend and solve their problems.
No sales needed!
Hope this helps - Alex

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